📊 Average Response Times & Optimizations


InstantNodes' RPC node is designed for speed and efficiency. To ensure minimal latency, we employ several optimization techniques that enhance performance, including caching and load balancing.

Average Response Times

🔹 Normal Requests: ~50ms
🔹 Heavy Requests: ~100ms
🔹 Peak Load: ~150ms
Note: Response times may vary based on network conditions and node load.


Caching - To speed up frequent queries, InstantNodes utilizes intelligent caching. This reduces unnecessary load on the node and ensures faster response times for repeated requests.

Key Benefits:

🔹 Faster data retrieval
🔹 Reduced node processing load
🔹 Improved overall efficiency

2. Load Balancing
We implement dynamic load balancing across multiple nodes, ensuring that traffic is evenly distributed. This prevents any single node from becoming a bottleneck.

Key Benefits:

🔹 Ensures uptime under high traffic

🔹 Optimizes resource usage

🔹 Enhances reliability

🚀 Key Takeaways

🔹 InstantNodes' RPC node delivers fast responses through caching and load balancing.

🔹 Average response times are kept low even during high load conditions.

© 2024 Best Architects L.L.C-FZ

© 2024 Best Architects L.L.C-FZ